The Path to Tiffy
Looking back at our family history, dogs have always played a special role. My grandparents initially had a German Shepherd, and after his passing, a small mixed-breed named Paco came to them. Over the course of his life, Paco became a father, and my grandparents adopted a puppy from his litter named Nacho. I often walked Nacho. Unfortunately, he was kicked in the rear by a very animal-unfriendly person, which led to paralysis. He had to be put down afterward. It was a very distressing story.
My brothers and I often wished to have our own dog in our family. My parents tried to explain that the timing might not be right since we were still in school. We did not realize that while the desire for a dog was there, the responsibility lay more with our parents. However, they were not entirely opposed, and one day my mother brought us good news. She had visited an animal shelter and seen a small female dog named "Tiffy." My mother said Tiffy was very shy and that we should not be surprised if she acted reserved at the shelter. We visited Tiffy at the shelter, and she came to the bars with very cautious and slow steps to greet us. Her body language was fearful, and she was trembling.
Tiffy's Story
Tiffy’s story was that shelter staff had found her by the roadside. She had been tied to a lamppost and left alone. Based on her physical and emotional state, the staff could tell that Tiffy had been abused and was now fundamentally fearful. We understood Tiffy's sensitivity and decided to take her in.

I observed her anxiety initially through the following examples: She never went into the bathroom, was afraid of stairs, and had a panic attack passing through the kitchen, which led to the garden terrace. She was even afraid of my rabbit, who was in a cage.
Tiffy's Development
We gave her lots of love, and nearby, we had a forest where she could socialize anew. Gradually, she trusted us more and more. She eventually became the guardian of the house, keeping watch from the hallway rug. At some point, shelter staff came by to check on Tiffy’s condition. I believe they were relieved to see how confident she had become. We loved Tiffy dearly, and she loved us just as much. Her little soul was able to smile again, and I hope she still does in doggy heaven.
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