The Poodle – A True Hunter
Poodles are naturally athletic dogs and excellent swimmers. These traits were highly advantageous for hunting waterfowl. They even have a “soft” mouth, allowing them to gently retrieve injured or dead birds.

The Practical Purpose of the Extravagant Trim
Originally, the distinctive trim of Poodles served a practical purpose: to keep them warm while hunting in the water, yet not hinder their movement with excessive wet fur. The coat was strategically clipped to protect key areas of their body.

Three Sizes – One Breed
The Poodle is unique in that it comes in three different sizes: Standard, Miniature, and Toy. These terms refer only to the size of the dog. The American Kennel Club recognizes them all as a single breed.

A Coat That Never Stops Growing
As a Poodle owner, you know that their coat grows continuously. If it isn’t regularly brushed and trimmed, it can become matted and give the Poodle an unkempt appearance. This requires some time and attention. On the plus side, Poodles are hypoallergenic, making them particularly popular among dog lovers with allergies.

Impressive Intelligence
Poodles are the second most intelligent dog breed in the world, right behind the Border Collie. Their ability to learn makes them exceptionally easy to train, which has historically made them popular stars in circuses and films.