Dogs and Heat: Tips for Cooling and Hydration in Rising Temperatures

Hund trinkt aus einem Wassernapf für unterwegs bei Sonnenschein

Portable water bowls are inexpensive and very practical.

The summer is here, and with it, temperatures often rise above 30 degrees Celsius. While we humans can refresh ourselves with some shade or a cool drink, our dogs also need special attention to stay healthy and safe during these hot days. In this article, you'll learn how to properly cool down your dog in the heat and ensure they stay hydrated.

Why is Hydration So Important for Dogs?

Water plays a central role in your dog's health. It helps regulate body temperature, supports digestion, and aids in eliminating toxins. During high temperatures, your dog loses additional fluids through panting and through the skin. A lack of water can quickly lead to dehydration, which can cause serious health issues.

Tips for Ensuring Adequate Water Supply

  • Always Provide Fresh Water: Make sure your dog always has access to fresh, cool water. Adding a few ice cubes can make it even more attractive and refreshing.

  • Multiple Drinking Stations: If you have a large garden or house, place several water bowls in different locations so your dog has easy access to water wherever they are.

  • Be Well-Equipped When On the Go: During walks or trips, always carry a portable water bowl and a bottle of water. Regular drinking breaks are a must.

Hund trinkt Wasser aus einer praktischen Trinkflasche mit integriertem Futterbehälter, ideal für unterwegs bei heißen Temperaturen

Practical: A dog water bottle with an integrated food container for on the go. This way, your dog stays refreshed in hot temperatures and always has something to drink and eat.

Cooling Down on Hot Days

  • Create Shady Spots: Provide your dog with shady areas where they can retreat. This could be a shady spot in the garden or a darkened room in the house.

  • Wading Pool for Refreshment: A small wading pool in the garden can work wonders. Many dogs love to cool off and play in the water.

  • Cooling Mats and Wet Towels: Special cooling mats for dogs or damp towels for your dog to lie on offer additional cooling.

  • Avoid Hot Walks: Plan your walks early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are lower. Asphalt can become very hot during the day and burn your dog's sensitive paws.
Hund sucht bei steigenden Temperaturen einen Schattenplatz.

A shady spot is priceless in the summer! Always ensure your dog has access to shade, especially when you're out and about and taking a break.

Cooling Treats

  • Dog Ice Cubes: Make homemade dog ice cubes using meat broth or yogurt. These are not only tasty but also a welcome cool treat.

  • Frozen Fruit: Some dogs love frozen fruits like melon chunks or berries. Just make sure the fruit is safe for dogs.

Hund bekommt von seinem Frauchen spezielles Hundeeis, um sich an einem heißen Sommertag abzukühlen und zu erfrischen.

Pure refreshment! Dog ice cream is a great way to cool down your furry friend in the summer. Make sure to use specially formulated dog ice cream with safe ingredients to keep your pet healthy.

Recognizing Signs of Overheating

Despite all precautions, it's important to recognize the signs of overheating in your dog:

  • Heavy panting and drooling
  • Excessive fatigue or weakness
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Bright red or pale tongue and gums

If you notice these symptoms in your dog, act immediately:

  1. Move your dog to a cool environment.
  2. Offer them water, but don't force them to drink.
  3. Moisten their fur with cool (not icy) water.
  4. Contact your vet immediately.


Summer can be a wonderful time for you and your dog, as long as you take the right precautions. By ensuring adequate hydration, providing shady retreats, offering cooling snacks, and adjusting walk times, you can help your four-legged friend stay healthy and happy during the hot days. Pay attention to signs of overheating and act quickly if necessary. Enjoy the summer together – but safely!

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